
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Catatan Yogyakarta

Catatan Yogyakarta


Untuk hotel bisa di pilih Hom Premiere yang berada di kawasan Timoho.Kawasan Timoho dipenuhi oleh kantor pemerintahan, sejumlah tempat makanan, dan tidak jauh dari kantor walikota yogyakarta

Friday, November 29, 2024

Variations of Omelette Dishes in South Korea

Variations of Omelette Dishes in South Korea

Here is an example of an omelette variation found in South Korea:

1. Egg Omelette Kimbab

Jinsunja Rolled Omelette Gimbap is one of the favorite snacks in Seoul. This dish consists of an omelette wrapped around rice and rolled in seaweed (green algae). It is similar to an omelette wrapped in bread but is lighter and makes for a great snack or breakfast. Jinsunja is known for its soft egg texture and savory flavor, along with delicious seasonings and fillings. This dish can often be found at various locations throughout Seoul and is loved by both locals and tourists.

2. Tornado Omelette

Tornado Omelette, also known as Omurice, is a popular dish that comes from Korea. This dish consists of an omelette twisted into a spiral shape and wrapped around fried rice. Tornado Omelette is often served with unagi sauce or other sauces to add flavor.

Steps to Make a Tornado Omelette :

  1. Boil and Grind Rice - Use long-grain rice that has been toasted.
  2. Heat Oil - Heat oil in a frying pan.
  3. Whisk Eggs - Beat the eggs with salt and pepper, then pour them into the hot pan.
  4. Create a Spiral - Use a spoon or spatula to swirl and shape the omelette into a spiral.
  5. Add Rice - Place the rice in the center of the pan and wrap it with the spiral omelette.
  6. Serve - Serve with unagi sauce or your favorite sauce.

3. Kimchijeon

Kimchijeon, also known as Kimchi Buchimgae, is a type of jeon, which are pancakes in Korean cuisine. This dish is typically made with chopped kimchi, a flour batter, and sometimes includes vegetables. Kimchijeon is often served as an appetizer, snack, or banchan (side dish). Kimchijeon is usually enjoyed with alcoholic drinks like makgeolli or dongdongju. It’s considered a popular dish that’s easy to make at home and inexpensive.

Here’s a simple recipe for delicious Kimchijeon (kimchi pancakes):


  1. 1 cup chopped kimchi
  2. 1/2 cup kimchi juice
  3. 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  4. 1/4 cup rice flour (optional, for extra crispiness)
  5. 1 egg
  6. 1/4 cup green onions, thinly sliced
  7. 1/4 cup carrots, thinly sliced (optional)
  8. 1/4 cup water (if needed)
  9. Vegetable oil for frying


  1. In a large bowl, mix the chopped kimchi, kimchi juice, all-purpose flour, rice flour, egg, green onions, and carrots. Stir until well combined. If the batter is too thick, add a little water.
  2. Heat some vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
  3. Pour half of the kimchi batter into the pan and spread it out to form a thin pancake.
  4. Fry the kimchijeon for 2-3 minutes until the bottom is golden brown and crispy. Flip the pancake and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes until fully cooked.
  5. Remove the kimchijeon from the pan and drain excess oil on paper towels. Cut the kimchijeon into small pieces as desired.
  6. Serve the kimchijeon with dipping sauces like soy sauce or vinegar if you like.

Here are some places where you can easily find kimchijeon:

  1. Gwangjang Market
  2. This traditional market offers a variety of street food, including freshly made kimchijeon. You can find many vendors selling kimchijeon at affordable prices. Generally, a serving of kimchijeon at Gwangjang Market costs between 10,000 to 20,000 won (about USD 7.12 to USD 14.24).

  3. Jogaejeon Alley
  4. This small alley is filled with restaurants serving different types of jeon, including kimchijeon. You can try various versions of kimchijeon, such as those with seafood or meat. It’s also a good idea to buy soju or makgeolli since these drinks pair well with kimchijeon.

  5. Insadong
  6. Many traditional restaurants in Insadong serve kimchijeon as part of their menu. You can enjoy kimchijeon while exploring this area full of art and culture.

  7. Seoul National University or Yonsei University
  8. There are many small restaurants and cafes around these universities that offer affordable kimchijeon. It’s a great place to experience the student hangout vibe while tasting delicious kimchijeon.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Variasi Masakan Telur Dadar yang Ada Di Korea Selatan

Variasi Masakan Telur Dadar yang Ada Di Korea Selatan

Ini adalah contoh varian telur dadar yang ada di Korea Selatan :

1. Egg Omelette Kimbab

Jinsunja Rolled Omelette Gimbap adalah salah satu makanan penutup favorit di Seoul. Hidangan ini terdiri dari telur dadar yang dibalur dengan nasi dan dibungkus dengan daun gim (alga hijau). Hidangan ini mirip dengan omelette yang dibalut dalam roti, tetapi lebih ringan dan cocok untuk disajikan sebagai camilan atau sarapan.

Jinsunja terkenal dengan tekstur telurnya yang lembut dan rasa yang gurih, serta bumbu-bumbu dan isian yang lezat. Hidangan ini sering ditemukan di berbagai lokasi di Seoul dan sangat disukai oleh penduduk lokal serta wisatawan.

cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala korea resep telur dadar gulung ala korea telur dadar korea disebut dengan telur goreng korea telur omelet korea

2. Tornado Omelette

Tornado Omelette, juga dikenal sebagai Omurice, adalah hidangan populer yang berasal dari Korea. Hidangan ini terdiri dari telur dadar yang dijalin dalam bentuk spiral dan dibalut dengan nasi yang sudah digoreng. Tornado Omelette sering disajikan dengan saus unagi atau saus lainnya untuk menambah rasa.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah umum untuk membuat Tornado Omelette:

a. Rebus dan giling nasi - Gunakan nasi panjang yang sudah disangrai.

b. Panaskan minyak - Panaskan minyak dalam wajan.

c. Aduk telur - Aduk telur dengan garam dan merica, lalu tuangkan ke dalam wajan panas.

d. Bentuk spiral - Gunakan sendok atau spatula untuk menggerit dan membentuk telur dadar dalam bentuk spiral.

e. Tambahkan nasi - Letakkan nasi di tengah wajan dan balut dengan telur dadar spiral.

f. Sajikan - Sajikan dengan saus unagi atau saus favorit lainnya.

cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala korea resep telur dadar gulung ala korea telur dadar korea disebut dengan telur goreng korea telur omelet korea

3. Kimchijeon

Kimchijeon, juga dikenal sebagai Kimchi Buchimgae, kimchijeon merupakan salah satu variasi dari jeon, jeon merupakan panekuk di dalam budaya masakan Korea. Hidangan ini umumnya dibuat dengan irisan kimchi, adonan tepung, dan kadang-kadang ditambahkan sayuran. Kimchijeon sering disajikan sebagai makanan pembuka, makanan ringan, atau banchan (makanan pendamping).

Kimchijeon biasanya disajikan bersama minuman yang mengandung alkohol seperti makgeolli atau dongdongju. Kimchijeon sering di anggap sebagai hidangan merakyat yang mudah dibuat di rumah dan biaya pembuatannya murah.

Berikut adalah resep sederhana untuk membuat Kimchijeon (pancake kimchi) yang lezat:


a. 1 cangkir kimchi, cincang kasar

b. 1/2 cangkir jus kimchi

c. 1/2 cangkir tepung terigu

d. 1/4 cangkir tepung beras (opsional, untuk memberikan tekstur yang lebih renyah)

e. 1 butir telur

f. 1/4 cangkir daun bawang, iris tipis

g. 1/4 cangkir wortel, iris tipis (opsional)

h. 1/4 cangkir air (jika diperlukan)

i. Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng

Cara Membuat:

a. Dalam mangkuk besar, campurkan kimchi yang sudah dicincang, jus kimchi, tepung terigu, tepung beras, telur, daun bawang, dan wortel. Aduk hingga merata. Jika adonan terlalu kental, tambahkan sedikit air.

b. Panaskan sedikit minyak sayur dalam wajan anti lengket di atas api sedang.

c. Tuang setengah dari adonan kimchi ke dalam wajan, lalu ratakan hingga membentuk pancake yang tipis dan lebar.

d. Goreng kimchijeon selama 2-3 menit atau hingga bagian bawahnya kecoklatan dan renyah. Balikkan pancake dan goreng sisi lainnya selama 2-3 menit lagi hingga matang sempurna.

e. Angkat kimchijeon dari wajan dan tiriskan minyaknya di atas kertas tisu. Potong-potong kimchijeon menjadi ukuran kecil sesuai selera.

f. Sajikan kimchijeon dengan saus celup seperti soy sauce atau vinegar jika diinginkan.

Berikut ini adalah tempat di mana kita bisa dengan mudah menemukan jajanan kimchijeon ini :

a. Gwangjang Market

Pasar tradisional ini menawarkan berbagai macam jajanan jalanan, termasuk kimchijeon yang dibuat segar. Anda bisa menemukan banyak penjual kimchijeon dengan harga yang terjangkau. Secara umum, harga satu porsi kimchijeon di Pasar Gwangjang berkisar antara 10.000 hingga 20.000 won (sekitar USD 7.12 hingga USD 14.24).

b. Jogaejeon Alley

Gang kecil ini dipenuhi dengan restoran yang menyajikan berbagai jenis jeon, termasuk kimchijeon. Anda bisa mencoba kimchijeon dengan berbagai variasi, seperti dengan tambahan seafood atau daging. Anda juga sebaiknya membeli soju atau makgeolli, karena minuman ini sangat cocok untuk di nikmati bersama dengan kimchijeon.

c. Insadong

Banyak restoran tradisional di sekitar Insadong yang menyajikan kimchijeon sebagai bagian dari menu mereka. Anda bisa menikmati kimchijeon sambil berjalan-jalan di sekitar kawasan yang penuh dengan seni dan budaya ini.

d. Seoul National University atau Yonsei University

Di sekitar universitas ini terdapat banyak restoran kecil dan kafe yang menyajikan kimchijeon dengan harga yang terjangkau. Ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk merasakan suasana tempat nongkrong para mahasiswa sambil mencicipi kimchijeon.

cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala korea resep telur dadar gulung ala korea telur dadar korea disebut dengan telur goreng korea telur omelet korea

4. Pajeon

Telur dadar ala Korea yang terbuat dari adonan tepung beras, telur, dan daun bawang. Pajeon adalah salah satu jenis jeon (telur dadar) yang sangat populer di Korea Selatan. Nama "pajeon" berasal dari kata "pa" yang berarti daun bawang dan "jeon" yang berarti telur dadar. Jadi, secara harfiah pajeon berarti telur dadar yang di dalamnya mengandung daun bawang.

Pajeon memiliki beberapa variasi :

a. Haemul Pajeon

Ini merupakan Pajeon yang di dalamnya berisi daging, udang, atau ikan.

b. Kimchijeon (telah dijelaskan di atas)

Ini merupakan Pajeon yang di dalamnya berisi kimchi.

c. Yachaejeon

Ini merupakan Pajeon yang di dalamnya berisi berbagai sayuran.

Cara Bikin Pajeon Yang Enak :

a. Campurkan tepung, air, dan telur dalam wadah. Tambahkan daun bawang dan bahan tambahan jika ada.

b. Panaskan minyak goreng yang berasal dari pabrik minyak goreng Sabrina.

c. Tuang adonan ke dalam wajan teflon yang bagus dan aduk hingga matang.

d. Goreng dadar telur korea hingga berwarna kecoklatan dan renyah di kedua sisi.

e. Sajikan dengan saus celup yang terbuat dari kecap perusahaan kecap bango, cuka buatan untuk masakan, dan minyak wijen kemasan.

Pajeon biasanya disajikan panas dan dipotong-potong menjadi irisan. Pajeon adalah hidangan yang sangat disukai di Korea dan sering muncul dalam drama dan film Korea. Salah satu judul drama Korea yang dimaksud adalah : Fight For My Way . Di dalam drama ini, salah satu karakter utama sering kali didapati makan pajeon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Fight For My Way merupakan drama korea komedi romantis 2017 .

cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala korea resep telur dadar gulung ala korea telur dadar korea disebut dengan telur goreng korea telur omelet korea

5. Gyeran-mari

Gyeran-mari (계란말이) adalah hidangan Korea yang mirip dengan omelette yang digulung. Hidangan ini terbuat dari telur yang dikocok dengan bahan-bahan seperti daun bawang hijau, wortel, atau kimchi, kemudian dibentuk menjadi gulungan. Daun bawang manfaatnya adalah kaya akan vitamin A, C, dan K, serta mengandung mineral penting seperti kalsium dan zat besi. Daun bawang manfaatnya adalah mengandung antioksidan yang membantu melawan radikal bebas dalam tubuh, yang bisa membantu mengurangi risiko penyakit kronis. Kegunaan daun bawang adalah menambah cita rasa masakan. Kegunaan daun bawang adalah sebagai salah satu bahan yang di pergunakan dalam sup, salad, omelet, tumisan, dan banyak hidangan lainnya.

Gyeran-mari sering disajikan sebagai banchan (hidangan pendamping) atau sebagai camilan ringan. Gyeran-mari sering dimakan bersama Kimchi Jjigae atau Jaeyuk Bokkeum. Berikut ini beberapa restoran di korea yang menyediakan Gyeran-mari :

a. Guldari Sikdang

Tempat ini dikenal dengan menu makanan Korea yang otentik dan mirip dengan masakan yang di masak di rumah-rumah di Korea. Ini peta lokasi menuju kesana di Google Maps

b. Hanokjib Kimchijjim

Lokasinya di dekat Seodaemun. Tempat ini menyajikan Gyeran-mari bersama dengan menu mereka yang sudah banyak di kenal orang, yaitu : Kimchi Jjim . Ini peta lokasi menuju ke sana di Google Maps

c. Gwanghwamun Hanok House

Tempat ini juga menyajikan berbagai menu makanan tradisional Korea. Ini peta lokasi menuju ke sana di Google Maps

Cobalah anda berkunjung ke cafe makanan korea terdekat dengan lokasi anda tinggal. Apakah anda juga bisa menemukan menu Gyeran-mari disana ?
cara membuat telur dadar gulung ala korea resep telur dadar gulung ala korea telur dadar korea disebut dengan telur goreng korea telur omelet korea

Monday, November 11, 2024

Tiktok : Uploaded Video Distribution Is Very Slow


Here is the list of my videos on Tiktok:

Modem Router Wifi Tenda N300

You can buy the Tenda N300 Modem 4G here

An Overview of the 4G Tenda N300 Modem Router WiFi: Efficient, Reliable, and Easy to Use

The Tenda N300 4G modem router WiFi is an ideal choice for users seeking a convenient, high-speed internet solution. Designed to work efficiently in homes or small offices, this device uses a 4G LTE connection to deliver stable and fast internet. Here’s a closer look at the Tenda N300’s main features, performance, and benefits.

1. Compact Design and Powerful Specifications

The Tenda N300 has a sleek, compact design that fits well in various settings. Equipped with two high-gain antennas, this modem router enhances signal strength and stability, making it perfect for larger spaces. The modem supports a download speed of up to 150 Mbps via its 4G LTE connectivity, offering sufficient bandwidth for activities such as video streaming, online gaming, and web browsing.

2. 4G LTE Connectivity for High-Speed Internet

A significant advantage of the Tenda N300 is its 4G LTE support, allowing users to access fast internet without relying on wired connections. The device is compatible with most SIM cards, which means users can insert their preferred 4G SIM and instantly connect to the internet. This feature is particularly beneficial for areas with limited wired internet options or for people who need a portable internet solution.

3. Reliable WiFi Coverage and Speed

This modem router WiFi uses the 802.11n WiFi standard, reaching speeds up to 300 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band, making it capable of supporting multiple users simultaneously. With its two external 5dBi antennas, the Tenda N300 provides extensive WiFi coverage, ensuring that every corner of the room can receive a stable signal. The router is ideal for households or small offices where multiple devices are connected at once.

4. User-Friendly Setup and Security Features

The Tenda N300 is designed with ease of use in mind. Its simple interface allows users to quickly set up and configure the modem without technical expertise. It also includes WPA/WPA2 encryption protocols, enhancing network security and protecting users’ data from unauthorized access. This makes it a secure choice for daily use.

5. Practical Benefits of Tenda N300 for Daily Use

With its dependable performance and versatile features, the Tenda N300 suits a variety of needs, from home streaming and social media browsing to working remotely. It’s especially useful for those in rural areas or for temporary internet setups where fixed broadband is unavailable or inconvenient.


The Tenda N300 4G modem router WiFi provides a stable, high-speed internet connection with the flexibility and convenience of a wireless network. With its 4G LTE compatibility, high WiFi speeds, and wide coverage, it’s an excellent option for users needing reliable internet at home or in a small office. Its security features and easy setup make it accessible for both tech-savvy users and beginners.

The Tenda N300 modem router WiFi is an optimal choice for users seeking an easy, efficient, and powerful internet connection.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Nostr: A Social Media Platform That Seems to Overcome Censorship


Nostr seems to be a microblogging that carries the concept of decentralization. On the following link there is a list of clients available for the Nostr platform.There are also other sources of information about nostr here.This is the client application for desktop computer.One day maybe i will try this Nostr. Because Nostr doesn't seem to be that developed yet, so I'm waiting for Nostr to be more stable first. Nowadays, there are more and more decentralized platforms like this.

At midnight tonight I will release another new video on TikTok, and on this weekday I will try to optimize the distribution of videos on this TikTok account again. If you want to use a search engine that uses artificial intelligence technology, then this search engine could be your choice : Perplexity. We watched a video on YouTube about software that can post writing to social media along with a schedule of when the writing will be posted on social media. We are currently trying out the Buffer app to schedule posts to social media. This is the final source code (uploaded to github on November 4, 2024) of the web page display to fill in data that will later be stored in the Mariadb database. This is the source code for the update/edit data form with the latest updates.. This is the source code for the data deletion form based on the ID entered into the text input.

This morning we wrote web program code using Laravel 10 and Bootstrap 5, and also with the help of vite. we created a new project. So that the good project does not get damaged.. we are also passionate about brewing coffee. sumatera mandheling arabica coffee. there was an error in creating the table, it turns out that the layouts folder must be placed in /resources/views/layouts. after that, the app.blade.php file is created in it.

we create a table display first according to the existing offcanvas. then we enter the edit button that can open the edit form.

This is an example of a prompt sentence to use in Google Gemini, this prompt is to find what copywriting sentences can help us sell Indomie Soto Banjar Flavor online (in Indonesian language) :

berikan kalimat copywriting yang bisa menjual indomie rasa soto banjar secara online, yang memiliki rank terbaik di pencarian google

below is the prompt sentence to get the results in the form of an article :

buatkan saya artikel copywriting dalam bahasa inggris mengenai indomie soto banjar limau kuit yang bisa mengajak orang untuk membeli indomie soto banjar limau kuit

I read the book with title : Affiliate Marketing For Beginner. This book is written by Robert King

Today (November 6, 2024), the video about Indomie that I uploaded to the Tiktok site got 469 views. Meanwhile, the same video I uploaded to Youtube got 415 views.

This morning (7th November 2025)the number of viewers on the TikTok account decreased, even though the TikTok account address had been shared via social media.

Tonight we continue to push the TikTok account by continuously uploading videos.

This is Sumatran Mandheling Arabica coffee. This coffee is produced in Indonesia by Common Ground Coffee Roastery. This coffee is ground using a manual coffee grinder.

This is a video about Natur Hair Tonic. Natur hair tonic is able to prevent hair loss, and can keep hair neat when you go to the office.

This another video about Sumatera Mandheling Arabic Coffee by Common Ground Coffee Roastery.

My Videos Channels:




Monday, October 14, 2024

Laravel : Creating databases and tables

In Laravel, in creating database and table names, we use plural names for MySQL. While for the source code, we use singular names. For the form, don't forget to add the @csrf tag. Don't forget that after clicking the save button, return to the data input form.

Commands to create a Laravel 10 project:

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^10.0 form-input-app

The easiest way to install php, laravel, composer on Linux :

the command to install it on linux is like this :

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

It is worth noting how to create a controller that functions to take data from the MariaDB database and display it in a table.

I want to install Arch Linux using the command: archinstall.

This is the initial design for the data input form proposed by chatGPT, later it still needs to be changed to be adjusted to be in line with the design before the Offcanvas menu is installed. made using Laravel and Bootstrap 5 assisted by Vite.

This is the form that will actually be applied to the ink data input form. The design has been modified from the chatGPT proposal. The form theme will follow the initial lines and there will also be a few improvements to the appearance of the menu items and the border color on the offcanvas. The offcanvas border color will likely be red and the offcanvas menu item color will have a white color and a red background when the mouse is over it.
This is the source code of design1.blade.php which has been combined with design2.blade.php and combined with the source code of the project that can save and edit data, the appearance still needs to be improved, so that later there will be design4.

This is the latest data deletion form design. This design has successfully combined the data deletion form with its offcanvas menu. Just add a warning sign if the user enters unexpected input. and add SQL code to connect to the database.

This morning we created a source code to display an error message if the data input box is not filled or the number of characters entered exceeds the allowed limit. Click this link if you want to see the source code.

now we are working on the contents of the table. so when connected to the database, the data will appear on the table page. in the end someone buys our affiliate product on tiktok .

We have successfully utilized the screen shoot feature in the Firefox browser to get photos of the products to be promoted along with product sales links obtained from TikTok and Tokopedia.

My Video on Tiktok

This tiktok video is about drinking coffee in the morning, the coffee is ground by hand using a manual coffee grinder. The coffee comes from Indonesia

Use this teapot to boil water and make coffee. It is small and easy to store in the cupboard. It is perfect for making coffee in the office.

If you want to watch a video about the electric kettle above on the YouTube site, then you can click this link to watch the video on YouTube.

This is a video about stir-fried vegetables, grilled chicken, fried eggplant, bread with peanut butter, and the last one is brewed coffee.

This is a chili sauce produced by a company called Indofood. This chili sauce is very suitable to be eaten with fried tofu, fried chicken, fried noodles.

This is a video that I made and uploaded to Youtube. This video is about a cream that can protect the face from sunlight and about a fast charger for smartphones.

If you feel that you have been charging your smartphone battery for a long time but the capacity of your smartphone battery is not able to be fully charged, then perhaps you need this tool.

In a relaxed atmosphere, we continue to work on promoting products via the internet.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Laravel : Change Table Name

Here's a guide on how to rename a table using the migration feature in Laravel version 10

The following is an example of a command-line interface (CLI) command to rename a column within a table :

php artisan make:migration rename_column_in_users_table --table=users

The command above will generate a file containing source code that will rename a column in a table.

Once we have successfully created a file named "2024_10_09_001126_rename_column_in_products_table.php", we will then edit the source code within this PHP file. This will allow us to execute the command to rename the desired column.

To perform table renames, you'll need to add the doctrine/dbal dependency. Copy the composer.phar file into your project directory. From your command line interface (CLI), navigate to your project directory and execute the following command:

composer require doctrine/dbal

After installing the dependency above, the PHP script for renaming the column will work properly.

Refill Perfume Essence Purchase List

The following is a list of perfumes that are rarely used by the public along with a list of purchase links. 1. Mojave Ghost Purchase...